"Talent without discipline is like an octopus on roller skates. There's plenty of movement, but you never know if it's going to be forward, backwards, or sideways."
H. Jackson Brown Jr., author
Not only do I sometimes feel like that octopus, I'm sure I often look like one as well. Problem is, I can't skate very well at all!
That being said, I thought I'd share some images that might shed some light on where my eight legs and arms are spread.
The flower gardens:

The fruit & vegetable gardens:

The yard:
The house exterior:
Before Reno
After Reno (A few things left to do)
A little added luxuryThe house interior:
First Reno
Last Reno
Ensuite when we bought the house
Ensuite after reno
(There are a lot more renovations,an entire house full, but I think the pics above give you the jist of how big a reno this is!)
Of course, there is my top priority, family & friends; and I guess what has clearly become my last priority, the studio; and, lest I forget, the blog. Oh, and of course there's the off & on day job, the commuting to the city (45 minutes one way); the daily chores, including gathering everything from chanterelles to fiddleheads to blueberries; making jams and preserves; etc.;etc...Ever heard of an octopus with 12 or maybe 16 arms?
My husband often says "There are two reasons things don't get done: you don't want to do it or you don't know how!" After writing this post I conclude that there is a third reason: TOO MANY THINGS TO DO!