Friday, July 17, 2009

Analyze This...

In the Deepening Creativity collage process it is practically impossible not to analyze every image you come across that grabs your attention even for a second. Although I admit I am short on magazine supplies, I realize that the books and magazines I am using using in this endeavour are within my grasp because their contents mean something to me...If they didn't, I would not keep them.
On day 18,298, I am still looking for peace and enlightenment. I really have to wonder if that search is ever complete. This is not one of my favourite collages but it does contain elements that have meaning for me.

Actually the sun rays have a dual meaning these days because I really wish the sun would burst through the clouds in New Brunswick and heat us up a bit, but I digress!

The spiritual thread continued on day 18,299, as my eye was drawn to pictures with churches in them, some with as many as 6 churches of various denominations huddled together, all with their own sheep flocking to the inner sanctums. Been there, done that!

Don't look for me in this image, for I am not there. I guess I am more nomadic by nature and hence I will continue roaming around looking for answers to endless questions.


notmassproduced said...

nice words

ArtPropelled said...

I don't think the searching ever stops. We can never be sure of the intangible even though we might think we are getting closer to the answers. A week ago my collage was "a glimpse of the intangible". I think we are on the same page in some respects, Curio.

Curio said...

Thank you, notmassedproduced!

Robyn, I agree on all points!

Mary S. Hunt said...

your searching has brought meaning to forgotten thoughts and phrases
which is part of the artist "job" i think
well done!

Shaylen Maxwell said...

I love collages!! And I happen to be nomadic by nature as well. : )

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